Veneers are cosmetic dentistry for people with cracks, gapping, chips, or stubborn yellow teeth. They can transform your smile, giving you the confidence you need in everything from job interviews to photos. When you can smile without feeling anxious about the flaws you’re revealing, it’s that much easier to have meaningful conversations with family, friends, strangers, colleagues, and romantic partners.
Porcelain is one of the strongest and most attractive materials that you can choose for your veneers. These durable shells, despite being so thin, can stand up to some wear and tear and last as long as 20 years! Porcelain veneers are designed to cover up any noticeable flaws in your smile, so that you can put your best smile forward with confidence.
While we all know what we should do to take care of our oral health, like brushing several times a day and flossing on a regular basis, it’s not abnormal for people to fall behind in their oral care. However, the more you love your smile, the more motivated you’ll be to keep up with maintaining it.
With porcelain veneers in Roseville, CA, you can truly start to love your smile again. This makes it easier to invest in the tools you need, whether it’s a water flosser or a better toothbrush, so you can prevent the bacteria and plaque that cause tooth decay. Cosmetic dentistry may have a superficial reputation, but patient testimonials often reveal that these cosmetic improvements have a lasting impact on their oral health.
Veneers essentially work like camouflage, putting a cover over things like cracks or filling in gaps between teeth. Veneers are designed to fix flaws as opposed to strengthening a damaged tooth (like a crown would), though you may see a slight improvement to the structural integrity of a cracked or weakened tooth. You can get veneers for one tooth or for multiple teeth.
The veneer process is also an entirely painless procedure:
If you're looking to learn more about veneers cost, eligibility, procedure, or dental aesthetics, our dedicated team at Smile & Co. are here to help! With locations in Roseville and Folsom, we help our patients answer questions about the life-changing magic of veneers.
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